DayTime Channel | NightTime Channel | ©2015 til Infinity

Intro and Concept

The whole concept behind this partiular blog is to take ideas for stories, specific to the area of New haven, anc dome up with actable plots that we can perform during the summer when things are quiet. These are from my imagination and I also think it would be impossible to re-enact them perfectly. Some of the stories are based in real life. Often I pick specific people from my life as the subject of these characters.

I'm also writing half asleep. I figuredout a way to do this. I write these just before bed, and I'm laying in bed as I type them with my eyes closed. As time progresses, I really start to visualize the things that I'm writing about. I wake up at 4 in the morning often and begin to develop these.

Many of these stories are take-away/throw-aways and hold no value or meaning. The Dreamworld of New Haven is full of espionage, class issues, and many of the other daily struggles people face in ther lives. I have to admit that some of these stories are real. I like writing about them because it's interesting to me. New Haven is a magical place where I've spent nearly my whole life. I like writing about it and I often also have dreams about New York.

Let it begin.